
Dateline: August 25, 2000

This is a weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:   
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office   
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner   

CONTENTS of WNII No. 23/2000


Re: "SEU TIMES" No 5 (14) - June-July 2000

In WNII 21/2000, the contents of "SEU TIMES" No 5 (14) - June-July 2000 was presented. Under "National Environmental Referendum in Russia", an URL was given for further information. Unfortunately, a letter in this URL was missing. The correct URL reads:


Thanks to INES member Prof. Helmut (Ken) Burkhardt who informed me about this mistake.

T. Damjanov, Editor

Latest edition of the Hague Appeal for Peace newsletter

The latest edition of "Peace Matters", the Hague Appeal for Peace newsletter has arrived. This issue's focus is an appeal to world leaders attending the Millennium Summit. Besides a direst appeal outlining what civil society wants from government, there are articles about the role of civil society in society and it's relationship with government and intergovernmental institutions.

The newsletter also includes a section on peace education, including a report on the Hague Appeal's Global Campaign for Peace Education; as well as spotlights on Women and Peacebuilding and Youth. In every issue you will find our international civil society calendar.

If you would like to receive bulk copies (more than 25) of the newsletter to distribute in your community, please contact Regina Mylan, Hague Appeal for Peace Office at New York: < >


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org  Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/  

50th Pugwash Conference

Under the title "Eliminating the Causes of War", the 50th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, was held at Queens' College, Cambridge, UK, from August 3-8. At the corresponding Pugwash homepage


you can find the following:

Draft Background Papers for Working Groups:

In addition, I'd like to draw your attention to a quite interesting article on this Conference, published in the Indian "The Friday Times" on August 18., Entitled "Is the Pugwash movement ready for new challenges?" it is written by the paper's news editor Ejaz Haider who attended the Conference. You can obtain this article from the WNII editor.

CTBT Signatures and Ratifications

With the ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) by Cambodia this month, the number of states that have ratified the Treaty has grown to 61. Of the 44 states that must ratify for Treaty entry into force, 30 have ratified. A total of 155 states have signed. For more information on the status of ratifications and signatures of 44 states needed for CTBT entry into force, see: http://www.ctbto.org/ctbto/sig_rat.shtml  


New CSD listserver

The Secretariat of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) has announced the creation of an electronic listserver.

This listserver is open to all interested parties and will be a key resource for those interested in the work of the Commission including the upcoming ten-year review of sustainable development (or Rio+10). In addition to using it to provide you with regular information on the CSD process and Rio+10, the Secretariat will also use it to announce various electronic discussions that it may organize as part of the Rio+10 preparations.

You can sign easily up by visiting the following web page:


Those who have email but not web access should write to: < > or < > to be included in the listserver.


Star Wars list serve

The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space has recently created a new Star Wars list serve that will be unmoderated.

To join it simply send a subscribe message to: < >

"Glasnost - North Caucasus" daily news service

The Russian-based Glasnost Foundation is offering this news service free of charge claiming that the "Glasnost News Service is one of very few sources of information on the region remaining independent and uncensored by Russian authorities "

The Glasnost Foundation has it's own correspondents working in the majority of Caucasian territories. Thus the significant part of the news is not published elsewhere, neither provided by other domestic or foreign information agencies. The News Service regularly provides exclusive information on the events in Chechnya.

The subscription can be made by a message to: < > or < >


UPDATE: Fifth Annual Conference on Industrial Ecology and the Internet Economy "Industrial Ecology 2000"

Topics include:

For more details, mailto:   http://www.globalfutures.org/ie2000.htm  


No new or changed email or web addresses in  this issue.  All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:  

< < < < <  end of No. 23/2000  what's new in ines < < < < <