No. 18/1998


Dateline: 13 September 1998

WNII is an electronic information service of INES,
the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail: < >
INES homepage: http://www.mindspring.com/~us016262/ines.html
INES International Office < >
INES Chair Prof. Armin Tenner < >



!!! Please inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!

===================== INESAPlist references ==================== ^

!!! INESAP homepage: http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/ze/ianus/inesap/inesap.html

=== > NPT report published^

Dear friends,

ACRONYM Report 12 entitled 'Reviewing the Non-Proliferation Treaty: Problems and Processes' is now on our website at http://www.gn.apc.org/acronym

ACRONYM 12 is a report of the second PrepCom, held in Geneva from 27 April to 8 May. It consists of four parts which can be downloaded separately:

Rebecca Johnson, The Acronym Institute,

[abridged; The Ed.]

=== > Conference on Disarmament closes 8 September ^

Report from Rebecca Johnson

The Conference on Disarmament today held its final plenary of 1998 to adopt its report to the United Nations General Assembly. The CD works by consensus, so opposition from India and Pakistan blocked a paragraph mentioning that a special plenary had been called to discuss their nuclear tests, even though the paragraph merely stated the fact and did not contain any criticism. The group of delegations which had pushed for this issued a statement expressing their disappointment at the way in which the rule of consensus and arguments about 'precedent' had been used to prevent the mention of the tests, which had occupied a lot of CD time after May.

A long-hoped for decision for limited expansion of the CD to admit five new States (one from each region): Ireland, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Tunisia and Ecuador, was vetoed by Iran, reportedly because it wanted to punish Ireland for a human rights report criticising Iran. Right up until this morning it had been hoped that Iran would back down, and many are angry at what they consider an abusive link between the work of the CD and unrelated matters elsewhere in the UN system.

The CD also could not take the decision that the recently established fissile materials committee would be continued next year with Mark Moher as Chair. Therefore after only 2 meetings, his mandate is over. The lack of decision means that he cannot coordinate intersessional meetings or expert work and the convening of the committee may again be subjected to political fights at the beginning of next year.

Altogether not a particularly edifying spectacle.

============ Member Organisations' + Project Groups' News ============ ^

=== > USA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) ^

The latest issue (No. 16) of ''The Sunflower'', the electronic monthly of NAPF, carries the following main articles:

For copies !!! mailto

=== > ''News from Belarus'' ^

This is the title of a publication issued by ''Charter '97'', a human rights organisation critical to the current regime in Belarus. The Brussels Liaison Office of this organisation shares its office with the INES Brussels Office - so it seems only fair to report on this.

If you are interested in ''News from Belarus'' you can get it via email
(no homepage available): !!! mailto

=============== NUCLEAR WEAPONS =============== ^

!!! Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/

=== > Foreign Ministers of 8 nations call for elimination of all nuclear weapons ^

Prof. Dietrich Fischer, Global Demilitarization, USA, likes to encourage you to send the following message to the heads of all nuclear states. If you are an officer of an organization, could you suggest to your members to do the same?

The letter reads as follows:



Foreign Ministers of 8 nations call for elimination of all nuclear weapons


Boris Yeltsin President Russia, ,
Tony Blair Prime Minister Britain, ,
Jacques Chirac President France, ,
Jiang Zemin President China, ,
Benyamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Israel, ,
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Prime Minister India, ,
M M Naw Sharif Prime Minister Pakistan, ,

Dear Mr. President,
In June the "New Agenda Coalition" was launched by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the following eight nations: Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Africa and Sweden.
Their Declaration states: "...the proposition that nuclear weapons can be retained in perpetuity and never used -- accidentally or by decision -- defies credibility. The only complete defense is the elimination of nuclear weapons and assurance that they will never be produced again."
"The international community must not enter the third millennium with the prospect that the maintenance of these weapons will be considered legitimate for the indefinite future, when the present juncture provides a unique opportunity to eradicate and prohibit them for all time".
The Foreign Minister of Ireland stated: "...[this] initiative is about securing that political will .... so that in a few short years we will have consigned nuclear weapons to history both to protect our future and that of our children in a nuclear weapons-free world".
I urge you to exercise this political will to call for a meeting soon of the nuclear weapons Heads of State and take a strong leadership position to disable all the nuclear weapons in the world during your term of office.
Sincerely yours,
[Your name, post address & country]

For further details !!! mailto Prof. Fischer

=== > Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons (ISANW) ^

This recently formed organisation would appreciate support from scientists in other parts of the world. For contacts, I publish here email addresses of members of the Ad Hoc Committee:

=== > Documents from the European Futures Congress ^

The documents from the European Futures Congress and the meeting on a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest last June are now available at: http://www.ippnw.de/efc/efc.htm.

=============== CONFERENCES - MEETINGS - SEMINARS =============== ^

Events listed here are being published only once due to limited space. Changes, however, will be taken into account (marked with ''UPDATE'')

=== > New steps for nuclear disarmament, to avoid the risks of accidental or military intentional nuclear explosion ^

For more details, !!! mailto

=============== INES WEB- AND EMAIL SERVICE =============== ^

A full list of all INES e-mail addresses and homepages is available upon request.
!!! mailto < >

No new or changed email or web addresses.

================ end of No. 18/1998 what's new in ines ================ ^