
Dateline: April 13, 2001

This is the weekly electronic information service of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Editor: Tobias Damjanov, e-mail:   
INES homepage: http://inesglobal.org
INES International Office   
INES Chair: Prof. Armin Tenner   
[Please note that the first "1" in q18 is the number one, while the last "l" is a "L"]

CONTENTS of WNII No. 15/2001


INES member Dr.Philip B.Smith: Is Nuclear Power Sustainable? Would it's use reduce CO-2 emissions?

This is the title of the main document to be found on the following website: http://home.trouwweb.nl/stormsmith  The documents on the website were prepared by Philip Smith and Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen. This website was set up because it appears that the nuclear power industry has launched a campaign to convince everyone that nuclear energy is a sustainable source of energy which produces no CO-2. The authors hope, through the website, to make clear to technical as well as non- technical people that nuclear energy certainly is not a sustainable source of energy. In fact, it could never contribute more than a negligible fraction of the energy which will be produced in the coming half-century. Furthermore, the myth that nuclear power does not lead to the production of any CO-2 is exploded. Although the nuclear reactor of a nuclear power station does not, in itself, produce any CO-2, the nuclear fuel chain does lead to the production of large amounts. The entire analysis is carried out in energy units. This analytical basis is sometimes called ECCO-analysis. This approach was chosen because the use of money units leaves the essential environmental questions unanswered. In particular, the use of discounting in economic analysis falsifies the fundamental question as to the physical feasibility of a given course. Besides this, money is an arbitrary unit which cannot used to compare processes at different times. This is particularly important in the analysis of nuclear power where energy "debts" are built up during the early stages of the nuclear fuel chain - debts which must be paid, in full, many generations later. A monetary basis would make these debts appear negligible. As long as the limited supply of rich uranium ores hold out, the nuclear energy fuel chain does indeed, after about seven years of operation, produce less CO-2 than, say, a gas-burning plant. But when the uranium content of ores gets below around 0.05% it becomes doubtful if nuclear power will lead to the production of any less CO-2 than just burning fossil fuel directly. The authors hope that this website will help in convincing the people and government of Finland that going to nuclear power would be a bad choice. Dr.Philip B.Smith, Steenhouwerskade 22, 9718 DB Groningen, The Netherlands Tel(home) ; Tel.(office) ; Fax Emeritus professor of experimental physics. Consulting scientist, IVEM Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies, University of Groningen, Netherlands. Email:

Additional note by the WNII editor: As an rtf-formatted email attachment (size: ~ 42 Kb), I can make available the article "Nuclear Energy Sustainable?" by Myrthe Verweij (WISE Amsterdam), which is to be published in the upcoming issue of "Third World Resurgence", Issue No. 127-128. Also included in this file are:


Abolition 2000 homepage: http://www.abolition2000.org

Grassroots News: http://www.napf.org/abolition2000/news/

START I - Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms

The US State Department's Bureau of Arms Control released a fact sheet listing the aggregate numbers of strategic (nuclear) offensive arms in existence within countries covered by the START I agreement. This data is as of January 31, 2001, and comes from Memorandum of Understandings exchanged by the US, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. http://www.state.gov/t/ac/rls/fs/index.cfm?docid=1716

Former US Senator Robert Kerrey in favour of "radical downsizing" the US nuclear arsenal

The April 2001 issue of "Arms Control Today" carries a very insightful article by former Nebraska Senator Robert Kerrey and by William D. Hartung on the subject of U.S. nuclear weapons policy. They argue for "a radical downsizing of the U.S. nuclear arsenal" and "a well-informed national debate about what purpose, if any, nuclear weapons should serve in a revised U.S. national security strategy." They also warn against "unilateralism" and an abandonment of arms control strategies and urge the Bush administration "... to think hard about the value of pursuing a complex, costly, and unproven missile program that could become an obstacle to U.S.-Russian nuclear arms reductions and a catalyst for a major buildup of Chinese nuclear forces."  For the article "Toward a New Nuclear Posture: Challenges for the Bush Administration" in full, visit: http://www.armscontrol.org/ACT/april01/kerrey.html

Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers' useful web references

The US-based "Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers", an alliance of 17 leading disarmament and non- proliferation NGOs working for a practical, step-by-step program to reduce nuclear dangers, is maintaining an on-line set of calendars for reference purposes. The calendars will be updated as events warrant.

Korean Committee Against NMD-TMD and for Peace launched (Source: "Korea Times," April 10, 2001)

On 9 April, more than 40 civic groups formed an alliance to oppose US missile defence programmes, claiming such moves will prevent peace from prevailing on the Korean peninsula. Major nongovernmental organizations, such as the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy and the People's Action for Reform of the Unjust SOFA are taking part in the coalition. "The Theater Missile Defence (TMD) and National Missile Defence (NMD) projects being pushed by the United States will only spark an international arms race, with the Korean peninsula as the main victim, " said the Korean Committee Against NMD-TMD and for Peace at a press conference, adding that "The initiative of the U.S. government to deploy the NMD-TMD system is nothing more than a design to secure its hegemony."
"As the Bush government is intent on fabricating North Korea's military threat to justify its programme, it will ultimately damage the prospect of peace and unification between the two Koreas, which is starting to take root," it was also stated. The Korean Committee also wrote a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush and urged him to give up the missile plan: Saying they are "quite satisfied with one episode of 'Star Wars'," the activists demanded that President Bush abandon the ballistic missile defence system and stated that they will link arms with all the peace- loving people across the world to lay the mindless NMD-TMD plan to rest. The coalition also called on President Kim Dae-jung to "take a clear stand on the NMD-TMD issue," and give up all efforts to participate in the controversial missile defence programmes. The coalition will conduct various workshops, seminars and publicity campaigns on the NMD and TMD projects to enhance public awareness of the issue. Signature drives, street campaigns and protest rallies will also be staged against the U.S. Embassy and the Korean Defence Ministry to voice opposition to the missile plan.


More on biological weapons

Further details of all these events are available from the NGO Committee Secretariat c/o International Peace Bureau:  

UN Disarmament Commission in session http://www.wilpf.int.ch www.reachingcriticalwill.org   (from: Felicity Hill, Director, United Nations Office, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom)

On April 9, the UN Disarmament Commission (UNDC) opened, and will continue until April 27, in New York. This information update will be followed by weekly reports on the discussions, which will also alert to speeches and documents placed on the WILPF website at the Disarmament Commission button: http://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/dc/dcindex.html   The UN Department on Disarmament Affairs has also updated its site on the UNDC: http://www.un.org/Depts/dda/undiscom.htm  

"Trust & Verify" No. 96/March-April 2001

The latest issue of "Trust & Verify", published by the London-based "Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)", carries the following:

"Trust & Verify" can be ordered from:


Sustainability and Solidarity Conference

This conference is one part of the European Futures Congress, 12-17 June, which will be held in connection with the EU-Summit ending the Swedish EU-presidency period. Topics of this conference are:

For more details, contact Ulla Kloetzer, Alternative to EU Finland:   Lea Launokari, Women for Peace Finland:

CEPE 2001: Computer Ethics, Philosophical Enquiries

For more details, visit: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/depts/philosophy/conferences/


No new or changed addresses.
All INES e-mail addresses and homepages are available upon request from:  

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