=== WNII No. 14/1998 ===


=== WNII No. 14/1998 ===

 Dateline of this issue: 19 July 1998
 Editor: Tobias Damjanov, Am Beckerkamp 12/app 26 D-21031 Hamburg, Germany
phone/fax*: (49-40) 7269 2394 [*for fax messages, call before]
e-mail: <
INES homepage:

Do not forget to inform us about changes of your email address or your homepage!


============ Member Organisations' + Project Groups' News ============


=== > INES Newsletter No. 22/June 1998

 The latest INES Newsletter carries the following main articles: 
--- Structural adjustment and sustainability (Philip B. Smith)
--- Nuclear Tests in South Asia, Result of Nuclear Power Hypocrisy (Resolution of the European Peace Congress, 29-31 May 1998)
--- The Challenge Posed by India and Pakistan (David Krieger)
--- INESAP Annual Report 1997
--- INES International Council Meeting Boston/USA (overview)
--- Student Perspectives for a Sustainable World (Joern Birkmann/Sandra Striewski)
--- INEStech: Working Group on Sustainable Technologies (Paul Collander)

Every member of INES receives a copy of this Newsletter. If you wish to receive any additional copies, please contact the INES Dortmund Office.


=== > INESAP Information Bulletin No. 15/April 1998

The latest INESAP Information Bulletin is devoted to the subject Security & Sustainable Development: With or Without Nuclear Weapons?

It contains the following sections:
--- Security, Sustainability and Nuclear Weapons (4 articles written by David Krieger, Liu Huaquiu, Juergen Scheffran, Tobias Damjanov)
--- Health, Environmental and Safety Risks of Nuclear Weapons (7 articles written by Howard Hu and Arjun Makhijani, Wolfgang Koehnlein and Rudi H. Nussbaum, Nils Bohmer, Alexey Vaboklov, Ike Jeanes)
--- Nuclear NATO: Risks and Costs (4 articles written by Jiri Matousek, Karina Wood, Alistair Miller)  
--- Nuclear Strategy and the Middle East (6 articles written by Goetz Neuneck, Bahig Nasser, Xanthe Hall, Charles Lechner, Martin Kalinowski)
--- Future of Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament (2 articles written by Martin Kalinowski, Steve Fetter)
plus a News section carrying 10 different items.

As supplements are added:

--- The 1997 INESAP Annual Report
--- Plutonium Investigation No. 2/98 published by WISE Paris
--- INESAP Statement On India's Nuclear Tests: No Nuclear Arms Race in South Asia!

For orders
!!! mailto <

Usually, INESAP Bulletins are also published at: 


=== > New INES member organisations

AUSTRIA: Forum of Austrian Scientists for Environment Protection (Forum Oesterreichischer Wissenschaftler fuer Umweltschutz) 

The organisation preferentially takes up subjects where the relevance is not sufficiently anchored in public sense or where misunderstanding is prevailing. These subjects are worked out to support the development of future-oriented policies and for decision-making. 
!! Address: Umwelt-Forum, Mariahilfer Str. 84, A-1020 Vienna, Austria;
Tel.: (43-1) 522 8375, Fax: (43-1) 522 8376 (no email indicated)

FRANCE: National Association of High School Teachers
(Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Superieur - SNESup)

The principles of the Association which is a trade union member are as follows: 
--- to be aware of the social and global responsibilities of our profession 
--- to demand the necessary means for the fruitful functioning of the educational system
--- to strengthen the values of solidarity and public service
--- to enhance a democratic life inside the organisation

!! Address: 78, rue du Faubourg St. Denis, F-75010 Paris, France;

Tel.: (33-1) 4479 9610 or ansaphone: 4479 9611, Fax: (33-1) 4246 2656

(no email indicated)

UKRAINE: Telecommunications and Partnership (TC&P)

The purpose of the organisation is to analyse the prospects and forms of  organisation for converting the defensive sector of the Kharkov research and production complex.
The organisation is the Ukraine representative of the European Community Telework / Telematics Forum (ECTF).

!! Address: Alekssanddr Kuzmenko, Soumskaya St. 100, apt. 5,
310078 Kharkov, Ukraine;
Tel./Fax: (380-572) 437 974, e-mail: <


=== > USA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF)

The July issue of NAPF's electronic newsletter ''The Sunflower'' (No. 14-1998) carries the following main articles:

--- Eight Nations Call for Nuclear Weapons Abolition
--- Britain Plans to Cut Trident Warheads by Up to Half
--- Helms Opposes ABM Treaty and Supports SDI
--- Former New York Times Editor Regrets Support of Nuclearism
--- Woolsey Resolution Asks for Nuclear Weapons Convention
--- Abolition 2000: Good news from the grassroots
--- Spanish Steel Mill Releases Cloud of Radioactive Cesium
--- U.S. Navy Discovers Radioactive Cooking Pots
--- Foreign Nuclear Waste to be Shipped Through S.F. Bay
--- Russian Duma Again Delays Ratifying START II

All issues of The Sunflower are on the web at:






!!! NOTE: Events listed here are being published only once due to limited space. Changes, however, will be taken into account (marked with ''UPDATE'')


=== > 24-25 Sep 98: The Amsterdam Treaty: A Framework for Future Visions of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)

Organized by the Centre for European Security and Disarmament (CESD)
 For programme details, registration, etc.

!!! mailto < >






A full list of all INES e-mail addresses and homepages is available upon request. 

 === > INES Office Brussels:
!! NEW: e-mail address:


=== end of No. 14/1998 what's new in ines ===
