Dear Peacemakers--

We are hoping that you can forward and publicize the email below, calling for peace demonstrations around the world on October 6, to protest US foreign policy. It has been endorsed by Helen Caldicott and seven national peace organizations in the US, and it is critical that the information that this world wide demonstration is happening is spread out through the world quickly.
Our concern is to save lives in Iraq, and in other countries that our government may choose to attack, and to reverse the erosion of international institutions: the UN, the Geneva Conventions, arms control treaties, and other treaties that the US has not ratified, including Kyoto and ICC.
Perhaps your group can organize a protest?
Working for Peace,
Organizers, World Wide Peace Demonstration
--------------- send on please! -------------------------
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.
Help launch the first World Wide Peace Demonstration!

Please send this email on to any international peace group, or anyone outside of the US that might like to participate and encourage them to send it on, widely and quickly.  Translations:

Dear Friends!

We urge you to join us in a World Wide Peace Demonstration, on October 6, the day before the first anniversary of the start of US bombing of Afghanistan.  George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld want to drag our nation into a disastrous military venture against a country that has not attacked us. They want to wage a war that could lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and many US troops,
a war that makes a mockery of international law.

We hope that many thousands of people dedicated to a better future will gather to protest in front of the US Embassy or Consulate in each
country of the world, at 12:00 Noon, local time, on October 6 to let the US government know what they think of this plan.

The demonstration will then move around the world with each new hour.

Imagine the impact of this day, as people in country after country around the globe stand up and tell the US government:

--No War With Iraq; No Aggression Towards Any Country!

--No War for Oil

--USA: Respect the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter!

--USA! Join the Family of Nations, Join and Respect the Treaties:
  Kyoto, Land Mine Ban, ICC, and More

--End Militarism and Neo-Colonialism

--Abolish Nuclear Weapons World Wide

--Work for a More Democratic UN

We offer these possible slogans, but any message you want to send to the US government would be welcome.

In the US we will be demonstrating on the 6th in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and in New York City, taking this pledge

We believe that as people living 
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for

Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil

Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us

Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil

Not by our will
and Not in our name

We pledge resistance
We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity

We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice freedom and peace
Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real

If we stand up now we may prevent more death and destruction in Iraq. We will put US policy makers on notice that their attempts to dominate the world economically and militarily are unacceptable World Wide; That the US should be a good neighbor, one nation equal amongst others, as we work together to solve the many problems facing us as world citizens:  the degrading environment, world hunger, education for all children, and the need to end nuclear terror.

Let's work together to build a peaceful world where we all can flourish, a world where international treaties are used and respected, where might doesn't make right, and where the guarantees of the UN Charter are a reality.

Join with us OCTOBER 6!

Yours in Peace,

Your Friends in America

Endorsed by these US Peace Groups and Individuals:
Global Action to Prevent War
Global Exchange
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Helen Caldicott
Pax Christi
Peace Action
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Please send email quickly to

to let us know quickly if your city will participate so that we can alert the press.

If you would like to be listed as the contact person in your city, please send email and we will post that information on our website
You can check there to see if someone has already volunteered to be a contact person in your area.

Thank you!
"Peace is the only battle worth waging."
                        --- Albert Camus

To become a free on-line participating member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, click here:

David Krieger, President
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1
Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794
Web site: